Recommendation from Desiree Tommasi: Laura Koehn’s 2016 paper and project GitHub repository
The authors developed a food web model with high taxonomic resolution of forage fish and their predators in the California Current
The study comprehensively described trophic linkages involving forage fish and examine the ecological role of forage fish in the ecosystem
The authors used Ecopath model with 92 living functional groups and used a Monte Carlo approach to characterize parameter uncertainty
The model can be used to support generalized equilibrium trade-off analysis or dynamic modeling to identify specific predators that would be of conservation concern under conditions of future forage fish depletion
Other available EwE models from EcoBase: a database of Ecopath with Ecosim models
model.country is “United States”, “united States of America”, or “United States of America”
model.ecosim is TRUE or NA
model.fisheries is TRUE or NA
model.model_number | model.model_name | model.country | model.ecosystem_type | model.num_group | model.model_year | model.model_period |
2 | Alaska, Prince William Sound | United States of America | bay/fjord | 19 | 1980 | 9 |
252 | Aleutian Islands | United States of America | continental shelf | 40 | 1963 | 0 |
768 | Apalachicola Bay | United States | Estuary | 54 | 2000 | 50 |
34 | Chesapeake | United States of America | bay/fjord | 45 | 1950 | 0 |
35 | Chesapeake present | United States of America | bay/fjord | 45 | 2002 | 0 |
183 | Eastern Bering Sea | United States of America | open ocean | 25 | 1979 | 6 |
16 | Eastern Bering Sea 1950 | United States of America | open ocean | 25 | 1955 | 5 |
764 | Florida Bay | United States | Estuary | 47 | 2006 | 11 |
442 | Heymans_1963_EAleutians_CGulfAlaska | United States of America | open ocean | 40 | 1963 | 0 |
269 | Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary | United States of America | coral reef | 20 | 1980 | 9 |
753 | Narragansett Bay food web | United States | Estuary | 15 | 1994 | 25 |
521 | Northern Californian Current | United States of America | upwelling | 65 | 1990 | 10 |
279 | Prince William Sound | United States of America | bay/fjord | 48 | 1994 | 2 |
438 | South East Alaska | United States of America | continental shelf | 40 | 1963 | 0 |
729 | Tampa Bay | United States | Estuary | 74 | 2005 | 5 |
153 | Tampa Bay | United States of America | bay/fjord | 52 | 1950 | 54 |
173 | West Florida Shelf | United States of America | continental shelf | 59 | 1997 | 1 |
755 | West Florida Shelf | United States of America | continental shelf | 83 | 1985 | 33 |
727 | West Florida Shelf Historic Model | United States | Continental shelf | 70 | 1950 | 60 |
model.model_number | model.model_name | model.ecosim | model.ecospace | model.whole_food_web | model.fisheries | model.aquaculture | model.environment_variability | model.ecosyst_functioning | model.pollution | model.dissemination_allow | model.is_fitted | model.other_impact_assessment |
2 | Alaska, Prince William Sound | true | false | true | true | false | false | false | false | true | false | false |
252 | Aleutian Islands | true | false | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | NA | NA |
768 | Apalachicola Bay | true | true | false | true | false | true | false | false | true | true | false |
34 | Chesapeake | true | false | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | NA | NA |
35 | Chesapeake present | true | false | true | true | false | false | false | false | false | NA | NA |
183 | Eastern Bering Sea | true | false | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | NA | NA |
16 | Eastern Bering Sea 1950 | true | false | true | true | false | false | true | false | false | NA | NA |
764 | Florida Bay | true | false | false | true | false | true | true | false | true | false | false |
442 | Heymans_1963_EAleutians_CGulfAlaska | true | false | true | true | false | false | true | false | false | NA | NA |
269 | Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary | true | false | true | true | false | false | false | false | true | false | false |
753 | Narragansett Bay food web | true | false | false | true | true | true | true | false | true | true | false |
521 | Northern Californian Current | true | false | true | true | false | false | false | false | true | false | false |
279 | Prince William Sound | true | true | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | false | NA |
438 | South East Alaska | true | false | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | NA | NA |
729 | Tampa Bay | true | false | false | true | false | true | false | false | true | true | true |
153 | Tampa Bay | true | true | true | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | true | NA | NA |
173 | West Florida Shelf | true | false | true | true | false | true | true | false | false | NA | NA |
755 | West Florida Shelf | true | true | false | true | false | false | false | false | true | true | true |
727 | West Florida Shelf Historic Model | true | false | false | true | false | false | false | false | true | true | false |
model.model_number | model.model_name | model.author | model.contact | model.reference | model.url | model.doi |
2 | Alaska, Prince William Sound | Dalsgaard, J. | jtd@aqua.dtu.dk | Dalsgaard J.,Pauly D.,Okey T.A.(1997). Preliminary mass-balance model of Prince William Sound, Alaska, for the pre-spill period, 1980-1989 Fisheries Centre Research Reports | http://publications.oceans.ubc.ca/node/3840 | NA |
252 | Aleutian Islands | Guénette, S. | sylvie.guenette@gmail.com | Guénette S.,Heymans S.J.J.,Christensen V.,Trites A.W.(2006). Ecosystem models show combined effects of fishing, predation, competition, and ocean productivity on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. pp 2495-2517 | http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/f06-136 | NA |
768 | Apalachicola Bay | Kira Allen | allenkira@comcast.net | Allen 2022 | https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd2020/1355/ | NA |
34 | Chesapeake | Christensen, V. | v.christensen@fisheries.ubc.ca | Christensen V.,Beattie A.,Buchanan C.,Hongguang M.,Martell S.J.D.,Latour R.J.,Preikshot D.,Sigrist M.B.,Uphoff J.H.,Walters C.J.,Wood R.J.,Townsend H.(2009). Fisheries Ecosystem Model of the Chesapeake Bay: Methodology, Parameterization, and Model Exploration NOAA Technical Memorandum | http://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/tm/TM106%20FINAL.pdf | NA |
35 | Chesapeake present | Christensen, V. | v.christensen@fisheries.ubc.ca | Christensen V.,Beattie A.,Buchanan C.,Hongguang M.,Martell S.J.D.,Latour R.J.,Preikshot D.,Sigrist M.B.,Uphoff J.H.,Walters C.J.,Wood R.J.,Townsend H.(2009). Fisheries Ecosystem Model of the Chesapeake Bay: Methodology, Parameterization, and Model Exploration NOAA Technical Memorandum | http://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/tm/TM106%20FINAL.pdf | NA |
183 | Eastern Bering Sea | Trites, A.W. | a.trites@fisheries.ubc.ca | Trites A.W.,Livingston P.A.,Mackinson S.,Vasconcellos M.C.,Springer A.M.,Pauly D.(1999). Ecosystem Change and the Decline of Marine Mammals the Eastern Bering Sea: Testing the Ecosystem Shift and Commercial Whaling Hypotheses Fisheries Centre Research Reports | http://publications.oceans.ubc.ca/node/3831 | NA |
16 | Eastern Bering Sea 1950 | Trites, A.W. | a.trites@fisheries.ubc.ca | Trites A.W.,Livingston P.A.,Mackinson S.,Vasconcellos M.C.,Springer A.M.,Pauly D.(1999). Ecosystem Change and the Decline of Marine Mammals the Eastern Bering Sea: Testing the Ecosystem Shift and Commercial Whaling Hypotheses Fisheries Centre Research Reports | http://publications.oceans.ubc.ca/node/3831 | NA |
764 | Florida Bay | Mason Smith | smithm2017@fau.edu | Smith, M., Chagaris, D., Paperno, R. and Markwith, S., 2020. Ecosystem structure and resilience of the Florida Bay Estuary: an original ecosystem model with implications for everglades restoration | https://www.publish.csiro.au/mf/MF20125 | https://doi.org/10.1071/MF20125 |
442 | Heymans_1963_EAleutians_CGulfAlaska | Heymans, S.J.J. | sheila.heymans@sams.ac.uk | Heymans S.J.J.,Heymans S.J.J.(2005). Ecosystem model of the eastern Aleutians and central Gulf of Alaska in 1963 Food web models and data for studying fisheries and environmental impacts on Eastern Pacific ecosystems. pp 83-105. In Guenette S.,Christensen V. | http://publications.oceans.ubc.ca/node/3797 | NA |
269 | Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary | McCormick Venier, J. | d.pauly@fisheries.ubc.ca | McCormick Venier J.(1997). Seasonal ecosystem models of the Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, Florida | https://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/7662 | NA |
753 | Narragansett Bay food web | Austin Humphries | humphries@uri.edu | Innes-Gold, A., Heinichen, M., Gorospe, K., Truesdale, C., Collie, J., & Humphries, A. (2020). Model | https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v654/p17-33/ | https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13505 |
521 | Northern Californian Current | Field, J.C. | John.Field@noaa.gov | Field J.(2004). Application of ecosystem-based fishery management approaches in the northern California Current | http://weber.s.uw.edu/research/publications/ms_phd/Field_John_PhD_Su04.pdf | NA |
279 | Prince William Sound | Okey, T.A. | Thomas.Okey@gmail.com | Okey T.A.,Wright B.A.(2004). Toward ecosystem-based extraction policies for Prince William Sound, Alaska: integrating conflicting objectives and rebuilding Pinnipeds Bulletin of Marine Science. pp 727-747 | http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/umrsmas/bullmar/2004/00000074/00000003/art00017 | NA |
438 | South East Alaska | Guénette, S. | sylvie.guenette@gmail.com | Guénette S.,Heymans S.J.J.,Christensen V.,Trites A.W.(2006). Ecosystem models show combined effects of fishing, predation, competition, and ocean productivity on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. pp 2495-2517 | http://www.seaaroundus.org/doc/publications/books-and-reports/2005/Guenette-and-Christensene-food-web-models-eastern-pacific-ecosystems.pdf | NA |
729 | Tampa Bay | Chagaris, David | dchagaris@ufl.edu | D. Chagaris & B. Mahmoudi, 2010. Assessing the influence of bottom-up and top-down processes in Tampa Bay using Ecopath with Ecosim. In: Cooper, S.T. (ed.). Proceedings, Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium, BASIS 5: 20-23 October 2009. St. Petersburg, FL. pp 263-274. | http://www.tbrpc.org/events/basis5/ | NA |
153 | Tampa Bay | Walters, C.J. | c.walters@fisheries.ubc.ca | Walters C.,Martell S.J.D.,Christensen V.,Mahmoudi B.(2008). An Ecosim Model for Exploring Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Management Options: Implications of Including Multistanza Life-History Models for Policy Predictions Bulletin of Marine Science. pp 251-271 | http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/umrsmas/bullmar/2008/00000083/00000001/art00014 | NA |
173 | West Florida Shelf | Okey, T.A. | Thomas.Okey@gmail.com | Okey T.A.,Mahmoudi B.(2002). An Ecosystem model of the West Florida Shelf for use in Fisheries Management and Ecological Research: Volume II: Model Construction | http://www.safmc.net/Library/Ecosystem/WFSmodel.pdf | NA |
755 | West Florida Shelf | David Chagaris | dchagaris@ufl.edu | Vilas, Daniel, David Chagaris, and Joe Buszowski. 2020. Red tide mortality on gag grouper from 2002- | http://sedarweb.org/docs/wpapers/S72_WP_01_red_tide_Mortality_Ecospace_v3.pdf | NA |
727 | West Florida Shelf Historic Model | Chagaris, David | dchagaris@ufl.edu | Chagaris, D., B. Mahmoudi, C. Walters, and M. Allen. 2015. Simulating the trophic impacts of fishery | NA | http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19425120.2014.966216 |
Relevant GitHub repositories
Atlantis NEUS: https://github.com/NOAA-EDAB/neus-atlantis
The developers have parameterized Atlantis for the Northeast United States Continental Shelf (NEUS)
The model includes the major functional groups from an ecosystem perspective, physiographic dynamics of the ecosystem, and most important fleets
The models creates biomass, catch, and effort trends in the NEUS from 1964 to the mid 2000s
relevant publications: Link et al. 2010 and Olsen et al. 2016
Tools for data generation from Atlantis - Atlantisom: https://github.com/r4atlantis/atlantisom