All functions |
Calculate catch for projections based on JABBA outputs |
Adjust TAC based on DB-SRA outputs |
Adjust FMSY based on JABBA outputs |
Read bibtex to an Rmd file. |
Calculate status of an indicator over time |
Compare projections from different DB-SRA cases |
Create biological data |
Create fishery from Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) output data |
Create survey from Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) output data |
Cumulative normal distribution |
Download AMO data |
Download data from NOAA NCEI |
Generate frequently used input data for JABBA |
Generate frequently used input data for Stock Synthesis 3 |
Compute various logistic patterns |
Read in EwE fishing effort data and make figures |
Read in EwE output data and make figures |
Read in EwE MSY reference points and make figures |
Extract EwE MSY reference points using catch over fishing effort multiplier table |
Read in EwE MSY reference points summary table |