Simulation scenarios

We want to incorporate climate, environmental, or biological drivers to the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) model. Base on Buchheister et al. (2016) paper, we explored the following scenarios:

scenario_id driver_code driver_name driver_category justification data_source sum_of_squared_differences_menhaden0 sum_of_squared_differences_total
1 base Base None None Ecosim outputs without environmental consideration 30 2339
2 amo_lag0 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index with lag 0 Climate Indicator of climate conditions; linked to recruitment variability of NW Atlantic fishes; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 37 2407
3 amo_lag1 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index with lag of 1 year Climate Indicator of climate conditions; linked to recruitment variability of NW Atlantic fishes; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 34 2343
4 sst Kaplan sea surface temperature Environmental Affects fish physiology, behaviour, and various basic system properties; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 32 2380
5 pcp Precipitation (average value from VA, MD, CT, RI, and MA) Environmental Alters availability of high-salinity habitat, affects nutrient loading, production, hypoxia, and foodweb structure; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 27 2298
6 pdsi Palmer drought severity index (average value from VA, MD, CT, RI, and MA) Environmental Long-term indicator of drought conditions; reflects river discharge and precipitation; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 32 2452
7 pp11 Primary production spline 11 Biological Force primary production; linked to phytoplankton through settings in forcing function Chagaris et al., 2021 34 2394
8 pp33 Primary production spline 33 Biological Force primary production; linked to phytoplankton through settings in forcing function Chagaris et al., 2021 36 3152
9 recdev Recruitment deviations Biological Recruitment variablity of Atlantic menhaden; linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses BAM assessment report 29 2339
10 amo_pcp Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index with lag of 1 year and precipitation linked to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 31 2290
11 pcp_pp_amo_am Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index with lag of 1 year (age-0 fish) and precipitation (PP) linked pcp to phytoplankton through settings in forcing function and linked amo to menhaden-like species age 0 fish through settings in environmental responses 39 20958

Relative biomass

To check if any functional groups have relatively large decrease, we calculated relative biomass (\(B_{2017}/B_{1985}\)) for each functional group and each scenario.

Key findings:

  • Base scenario 1: EwE without any environmental drivers and the sum of squared differences was 2339.
  • Scenario 5: Base EwE with incorporation of precipitation data had the lowest sum of squared differences of 2298.
  • Scenario 3: Base EwE with incorporation of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index (i.e., lag of one year) had a sum of squared differences of 2343.
  • Scenario 10: EwE with incorporation of both AMO index and precipitation data had a sum of squared differences of 2290.
  • The minimum \(B_{2017}/B_{1985}\) was 0.16 (Anchovies from pp33 scenario) and other \(B_{2017}/B_{1985}\) values were above 0.2.

Biomass over time from key scenarios

Key findings:

  • The climate and environmental drivers were linked with age 0 of menhaden-like species only, only menhaden, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and detritus showed fluctuations over time. Other functional groups showed relatively smooth trends.
  • The sharp decrease in age 0 menhaden biomass was caused by the incorporation of AMO index. The AMO index decreases over time in 1985.


StripedBass0 StripedBass2_5 StripedBass6 AtlanticMenhaden0 AtlanticMenhaden1 AtlanticMenhaden2 AtlanticMenhaden3 AtlanticMenhaden4 AtlanticMenhaden5 AtlanticMenhaden6 SpinyDogfish BluefishJuvenile BluefishAdult WeakfishJuvenile WeakfishAdult AtlanticHerring0_1 AtlanticHerring2 Anchovies Benthos Zooplankton Phytoplankton Detritus
base 3.7 2 4.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.21 1.26 1.2 1.2 0.47 0.46 0.50 0.57 3.7 3.4 0.23 0.99 1.0 1.0 1.0
pcp_pp_amo_am 106.1 48 199.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.96 0.69 0.4 20.7 23.73 11.25 0.38 0.56 95.0 84.4 0.00 0.88 1.2 1.1 1.2

Biomass over time: